The beginning

A long time ago, in the early 90s, I discovered Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP) on the shelves of Games Workshop Nottingham, thus beginning a love affair that was to last several years until I went off to university and got involved with more serious pursuits (chiefly Starcraft).

Some years ago I rediscovered my old 1st edition books and discovered – in a predictable wave of nostalgia – that they are still awesome. Shortly afterwards, Cubicle 7 made available the entirety of WFRP 2nd edition via a Humble Bundle, which I duly snapped up and began working my way through. Some time after that, it turned out that this was a clever marketing ploy to raise interest in WFRP ahead of the launch of the long-awaited Fourth Edition.

Fast forward to now and I’ve began to get my hands on some of the lovely Fourth Edition books (mainly via DriveThruRPG). There are plenty of reviews out there of the corebook and the Starter Set, but it feels like there isn’t much out there for a lot of the later books*.

This blog is my attempt to rectify that in some small way.

Initially this begins with some reviews of the earlier 4th Edition stuff – including that Starter Set – since it seems like the sensible place to begin. But I’ll (hopefully) quickly get on to some of the other stuff.

In due course I intend to go back and review the 1st and 2nd edition WFRP stuff, and eventually I imagine I might branch out into Cubicle 7’s other Warhammer titles (Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory, and Imperium Maledictum.)

*To be sure, there are a few diehards still providing WFRP content – in particular Gideon at Awesome Lies – and at some point I’ll do a post listing the fabulous WFRP websites still going.

2 thoughts on “The beginning

  1. Oh yes please! I’ve been looking for a blog like this for ages. I found some of the 4E Ubersreik Adventures quite underwhelming, after which I mostly lost interest and never got to read more of the cubicle 7 adventures. If you can go through them systematically and identify which ones are good and which ones less so, that would be amazing. You have a faithful reader here! thanks and good luck.


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